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The Week In Review: Oct. 21, 2006

Are you looking for a compiled list of links and ideas as well as measurable objectives and standards that help you to know if you’re teaching the right things at the right time? I am starting a series, “What Your _________ Should Know”. This week we focused on preschoolers academic skills, every day skills like time of day and positions, as well as motor and social skills. Keep looking for more blogs going all the way through 12th grade!

I am also continuing to work my way through the homeschooling laws and statues of every state! This week we focused on North Dakota state laws.

In our “Homeschooling Days” series, we are taking the time to discuss different things we do as part of our regular scheduling, in addition to various teaching tips and creative ideas. This week I talked about something I feel passionately that should be included in every home school program: unstructured outside play time. Homeschoolers need this time. If you’re not convinced go read the blog!

As a response to many requests dealing with the struggles a parent faces when they pull their child out of school, we have been talking about deschooling. Deschooling, at least for these blogs, refers to casting aside our preconceived notions of what a “good education” is and just focus on getting our kids to love learning for its own sake again.

Since traditional grading systems can sometimes hinder a child’s love of learning we focused on both The Fallacy of Good Grades and in a follow up blog, I talked about creative ways to assess your child without “technically giving a grade in, How Not to Grade Your Child.

Thankfully, my mate Megan Bayliss, wasn’t too knackered to share a guest blog in homeschooling this week. It was real dinki-di and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, then go look up: Aussie Slanguage: An English Language Lesson from Down Under and its follow up activity: A Slanguage Activity from Down Under.

Another highlight was Tristi Pinkston’s guest blogs. As so many of us who home school know well this question, Tristi articulately shares with us why she and her family have decided to home school in Mother Knows Best: Why I Homeschool, Part 1 & Part 2.

So now if you haven’t had a chance to check out the home schooling blog, you have it all in one place: come on over!