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The White Bedouin – George Potter

LDS novel “The White Bedouin” is the story of Jake Sorensen, a writer who travels to Saudi Arabia to intern at a magazine. When he arrives, he hears stories of the Empty Quarter, a land full of death and danger, where no man with any brains would dare enter. However, there is one who wanders freely through that land. He is known only as the White Bedouin,” and somehow he survives in that harsh land when no one else can. Curious and intrigued, Jake decides to investigate for a story.

We also follow the story of Stephen Markham, circa 1936, and his experiences in the same land. He’s a scriptorian of sorts, and compares the things he sees around him to the scriptures. Stephen is on a quest for oil, but finds a deep love of the people in the area, as well as romance. But this romance is forbidden, and much is at stake because of it.

As Jake investigates the White Bedouin, he stumbles across the story of Steven Markham. Though many years have gone by, Jake is fascinated by the story of Steven’s life, but just when it starts to get interesting, the information stops. Jake must dig a little deeper to find out just what happened to this man and what became of his forbidden love.

I will admit I had a hard time getting into this book, but I believe it’s because the book is written more for men, and I, admittedly, am not a man. Great care was taken with the research for the book and I can’t fault it for that – there is no fault to be had here, simply that this book isn’t quite my style. It was well done, however, for being done in a style that isn’t my usual cup of tea. If you enjoy the Middle Eastern culture and would like to read a book that blends modern mystery with Biblical times, this one just might be for you.

(This book was published in 2007 by Council Press.)

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