As a way to share with other homeschoolers, to be read, and to help me find other homeschoolers, I participate in the Carnival of Homeschooling. This week’s Carnival is found here. I read lots of new and interesting homeschool blogs through this week’s carnival.
Here are some of the things I have learned by reading other homeschoolers this week:
1. It is Ok to let children explore. Yes it may cause unreasonable anxieties for the mom wondering what is taking them so long to get home, but they need to feel independent and to satisfy their curiosities. (Groups of two or more children are recommended.)
2. Children grow up fast. Sometime, emotional development becomes apparent literally overnight. Enjoy their youth while you can.
3. Money skills are the most important math skills you can teach. If a child cannot count back change, credits in Trigonometry will not make a difference.
4. Sometimes “school” should take the back seat to life. The child just might learn something new anyway.
5. A change in attitude towards learning is far more valuable than what was learned.
6. Summer is no time to stop learning. Some of the best lessons happen during the lazy days of summer.
7. Just when you think you are free from public education, you find your own public school experience influencing the ways you homeschool.
8. The home is homeschooling is nothing more than a starting point. If you do not go out in the “real world”, you are missing a wealth of information.
So those are just a few of the things I learned from other homeschoolers this week. Actually, some of them were reminders. While my goal here is not to send you searching for other homeschoolers to read, which I do not, I do want my readers to know that I do not blog (or homeschool) from within a bubble. My wealth of information reaches far beyond myself.
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!