If you are looking for ways to save money, buying certain items in bulk can be one way to trim your household budget. While it is true that a membership to Sam’s, Costco, BJ’s, or another wholesale club does cost money there are savings to be had if you shop wisely. For most families, it does not make sense to buy all of the groceries in bulk. For example, is the double mega pack of Honey Nut Cheerios really a good deal of your kids don’t like eating the same cereal for breakfast every day for a month? There are some items, though, that it does make sense for the average family to buy in bulk.
Toilet paper and paper towels are one item where buying in bulk yields a lower price and there is no risk of the item going bad or being wasted. Just be sure to think about where all of these paper products will be stored before you go too crazy. If your house is small or you have limited storage space, you may be limited as to the amount of these things that you can comfortably have on hand at one time. If you use paper plates, cups, and other such things for entertaining these are also good bulk buys if you have room to store them.
Personal care items like bar soap, shampoo, razors, and other things that you might find in the bathroom also have a long shelf life, if they even have an expiration date at all. Of course, some family members may be particular about which brands of these items they will use. Check your bathroom to see what everybody uses, and see if you can find it in bulk.
While you may not think that any food is a smart bulk buy for the average family, if you like to eat meat it is possible to save by buying it in bulk. The key to making this work is to also buy freezer bags in bulk and separate the big packages of meat into freezer bags that each contain enough meat for one meal. Be sure to get all of the air out of the bags and seal them properly so that the meat stays fresh.
Photo by gracey on morguefile.com.