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Things They Never Told You About Being a Mom

Before having children all anyone ever tells you is how wonderful being a mother is. Babies are cute and cuddly and sweet and did I mention cute! However, what they failed to mention was that you were about to embark on the most difficult adventure you would ever face in your life. Don’t believe me? Try parenting a three year old for a day or two! They always say it’s the terrible two’s, they were wrong. Three was much harder than two, and I’m afraid four isn’t turning out much better. While I love my son dearly, there are some days I wonder anyone wants to be a mother. When your child is kicking and screaming and throwing the temper tantrum of the century, you may want to go sit in the corner and throw your own temper tantrum.

Being a mother isn’t easy. If this is news to you, then you probably aren’t a mother. You won’t always know what to do. You will make mistakes. Your kids will scream and cry. They will kick and hit and bite and throw things at you on occasion, and believe it or not, you will love them anyways, because you are a mom, and that’s just what we do.

Doing this job on your own can be overwhelming at times. You may sit in a corner and cry because you can’t figure out why your child is screaming at you. It’s tough not to have someone there to support you during the tough times of motherhood. It can be very lonely trying to figure out what to do on your own. You don’t always have someone to vent to when your kids are driving you crazy. They may be acting out and you don’t have the faintest idea why. You may feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, because raising a child is hard enough without having to do it alone.

Don’t give up. Being a mom is tough, but millions have survived it, even on their own. Motherhood is by far the most challenging job out there, but it is also the most rewarding. When your child crawls up on your lap just to snuggle and tell you they love you, everything else falls away, and you remember just how splendid your role as a mother truly is.

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.