What you don’t know about your freezer could wind up costing you money. Whether it is through the loss of food or by having to repair or replace your freezer, you may find yourself having to pay much more than you save. Keep your freezer as a positive asset to your home, and you’ll save quite a bit on your food and energy bills.
When we moved to our home, we also moved our upright freezer. Through stocking up and freezer cooking, I know that we will always have low cost meals on hand. This is more important than ever with the price of food constantly rising. Left without a refrigerator in our new home, we went ahead and purchased a large one with a bottom freezer. And yes, I used both of these freezer to feed my family.
But experience has taught me a few things about food and freezers. Hopefully you can benefit from my mistakes and get the most savings.
A full freezer is more efficient
The more you pack into a freezer, the less it actually has to work. That is because the frozen food acts as a sort of insulator. If your freezer is less than full, try this trick. Fill empty gallon plastic milk containers with water (leave a little bit of room for expansion) and use them to fill in any gaps in the freezer space.
Freezer placement is important
You want to locate your freezer in a place that has minimum temperature fluctuations. A basement is ideal, a garage is not. So many people place their freezers in their garages (we did too). I learned that this is the wrong place for it to be. The extra cold in the winter and the heat in the summer can wreck havoc on your freezer and actually shorten its life span.
Would you like to see more freezer tips? Just leave me a comment or send me a private message. Thanks!
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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