Thinking positively can help you save money. When you focus on the blessings in your life rather than on the things you don’t feel that you can afford, you will naturally be happier and require less of the material things. Also, thinking positively may help you figure out creative solutions the next time you feel as though you need to acquire something expensive. We do our best thinking when we are in a positive emotional state.
Here are some ways that you can think positively about being frugal and consequently save money.
Have goals and imagine how your life will be when you reach them. Think big, dream big and then get working on making those dreams come true. Would you love to quit your job and start a second career teaching art to children? Travel around the world? Build your dream home? Whatever the goal is, create visual reminder that will help you stay positive. Any sacrifices you make now will be worth it in the future when your dream comes true.
Get a reality check. How many times have I heard one of my children say, “But so-and-so has XYZ?” Worse still, how many times have I thought that same thing. Reality check is that most of us in a first world country are hundreds of times better off than the majority of people living in the world. All it takes is a little research to realize how much we really do have.
Do some good. When you are feeling discouraged by a tight budget, why not reach out to help someone who is in need. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, spend time in a pet shelter, reach out to a family in need or learn about and support a cause in any way that you can. Doing good naturally makes us more positive, and it also helps support that all important reality-check mentioned above.