Your economic situation doesn’t have to stay where it is. As a single parent you may qualify for various grants that can help you get a certificate or degree and create a better life for you and your kids. This will also give you some time for yourself, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.
It’s hard enough being a single parent and working a full time job—whether you work from home or at a typical nine to five job. Top this off with taking care of the bills, the kids, the house, and it doesn’t leave much time left to breathe, but if you’re determined to have a better financial future, going back to school, even part time, could be a good idea. There are grants specifically available to single parents to help you get the education you desire.
When you apply for a grant through your local College, University or Trade School, they’ll take into consideration your present economic circumstances. Some people qualify for more than one financial aid package, especially those of lower income who want to continue with their education but are unable to pay for schooling on their own. These grants do not have to paid back, unlike a loan, and they don’t depend on grades like scholarships do.
The most common grants for single parents are:
Federal Pell Grant
This type of grant was started in 1965 and has since helped millions of single mothers and fathers and low-income students get an education. In fact, when I was in my 20’s I applied for this type of grant and it paid for my tuition to a trade school. This grant can help with college tuition, books, and other school expenses.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
This grant is used to supplement another grant for single parents since a Pell grant may not cover all of the tuition. Students who receive this grant must already be awarded a Pell grant before they can apply for this program. Grant amounts vary.
The Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)
This grant is available to students who are working on more academically challenging courses than most ordinary secondary school classes. This grant is also only awarded as an addition to Pell Grants.
State & Institutional Single Parent Grants
There are also private or publicly funded single parent grants available in many states. Look them up under various social services and educational agencies. Also, colleges and universities have their own financial aid packages and single parent grants, so be sure to check into these as well.
Furthering your education can be difficult and time consuming, but if you can get financial aid it will at least take some of the burden off and the future for yourself and your children will be much brighter. Don’t forget to check into government loans for purchasing a home, as well. Single parenting can be tough at times, but there are some perks along the way as well.