Yesterday while sitting in sacrament meeting and listening to the talks about fatherhood, I thought back to my childhood memories of my dad. He was pretty quiet, didn’t do a lot with us, and withdrew whenever social situations became too much for him. My parents ended up divorcing when I was thirteen, and I went through a time in my life that I’d just as soon forget forever, but something quite amazing happened as a result of it.
My dad arranged to come get me every Monday night and take me out on a daddy/daughter date. I was the only child left at home, and I looked forward to those dates like nothing else. At first, our dates were simple. I remember one where we just sat in the car and ate Cheetos. Another time he took me to see the Utah Opera Company perform “Cinderella.” It didn’t matter what we did, just that we were together, and I realized that my father was starting to come out of his shell.
Today we have a great relationship. He’s remarried and I got married just a year after that. I go over to his house regularly and we just shoot the breeze about anything and everything, drawing on that relationship we built up after my parents’ divorce. I still look back on that event as causing a lot of pain, but you know what, it gave me my father. If things had continued the way they had, I sincerely doubt I would have the positive relationship with my father that I enjoy now.
Trials bring us pain. They make us uncomfortable, they make us cry, they burn and sear us. Our emotions are shredded and we feel as if we can’t go on another minute. However, our Heavenly Father knows what we need, and He is anxious to see that we get it. If my parents had never divorced, I would have missed out on having one of the best friends I now have, my dad. Happy Father’s Day to all you men out there, and most especially, to my dad.
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