Making the decision to homeschool can be a daunting task. For some it is natural and the decision is already made to homeschool. For others the option of homeschooling is not an option so they need not think twice about it. Yet, for many there is a struggle going on about whether to homeschool or not. Preschool is a wonderful time to begin homeschooling if you are considering the option. Preschool will give you a trial run on how you will approach your homeschool philosophy, schedule your day, and work in any outside concerns like working or other children. It is a great year since the pressure is low as preschoolers learn mostly from active and constructive play. There are also plenty of wonderful programs and curriculum to help you on this journey.
I have homeschooled three preschoolers and will begin my last year of homeschooling a preschooler this year. Through those years I have learned that preschool is the introduction to education and all the wonders in the world. It is a time of fun and bonding. The most important things you will learn are learned in the first few years of school. A child learns the meaning education, relationships, and self. The cool thing is all those heavy philosophical concepts are learned through messy art projects, baking cookies, and reading stories.
To begin your first year you will need patience and love. You do not need a curriculum but it certainly isn’t harmful to have one. You do need plenty of books, art supplies, math manipulatives and letters in foam, cardboard, or any other material a child can pick up and explore. Throw away expectations and learn to make every moment one filled with love and instilling knowledge. When you are making cookies count the chips, give directions for your child to follow and get out a foam letter “C” for cookie. When you read the Three Bears, have your child learn to count to three, learn opposites and learn about different types of bears on the internet. Throw away your idea of tradition and teach from the heart and allow it to guide you.