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Thirsty? You’re Already Dehydrated! And Dehydration is BAD For Weight Loss

We all know we should drink more water. Most of us know it’s good for our bodies and our weight loss efforts. But here are some stunning facts about water you may not already know. Think about them the next time you reach for a soda.

1.Even mild dehydration will slow down your metabolism—by as much as 3%. This may not seem like a lot but if you’re trying to lose weight, any percentage is a lot.

2.Did you know 75% of Americans are classified as being “chronically” dehydrated?

3.Feeling hungry? You might be surprised to know that the thirst mechanism in Americans is so weak that for 37% of us, being thirsty is often mistaken for being hungry.

4.Do you reach for a cookie to get rid of mid-day fatigue? Reach for water instead. Lack of water is the #1 reason for mid day fatigue.

5.Do you hate feeling hungry late at night? Does that hunger leave you reaching for a late-night snack? Try having a full glass of water instead of food. Studies show that in nearly 100% of dieters, drinking a full glass of water was effective in eliminating nighttime hunger pains.

6.Studies show that by simply drinking 8 glasses of water a day, back and joint pain could significantly decrease.

7.Just 5 glasses of water per day decreases your risk of disease (including colon cancer, breast cancer, and bladder cancer—by as much as 79% in some cases).

8.Even a slight drop (as little as 2%) in body water can diminish your memory capacity and learning ability.

Drink water before you’re thirsty. By the time you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. If you don’t like water plain, try squeezing a little lemon or lime into your glass, or add a sprig of mint. You can also make a sugar-free beverage with water to “up” the taste value.