In my last blog I introduced some of the options available to homeschoolers who choose to incorporate religious beliefs into their curriculum and the different mediums that are available for the presentation of this material.
However, we are just getting started when it comes to options.
I mentioned before that some of the companies that offer religious curriculum offer it via virtual learning or cyber schools, which is education that is offered over the internet; this is becoming widely popular. Students correspond and study with instructors and classmates via the internet. There are many public school systems that provide courses through the internet. I know that Charisse (my fellow homeschool blogger) mentioned that in her home state of Florida that this option is offered. To find out if your state is one that offers this cutting edge education, contact your local school board or check out their website.
The online K12 Homeschool Program ( currently has a complete curriculum available online for kindergarten through ninth grade. Expansion is expected and will include tenth through twelfth grade also. Homeschoolers can do all required courses through this site or choose to take individual courses.
However, one thing to remember with this type of study is that working at a computer all day can become as tedious for kids as it does for us. Be sure to supplement this with occasional field trips and hands on activities to keep it interesting.
Also available for high schoolers is Babbage Net School ( and CompuHigh online ( Both offer virtual education that you can choose to take a full course load or individual classes.
These options can cost some money. However, for busy parents it can take quite a load off when it comes to planning and keeping up with mandatory records. This may be an option that is well worth the investment.
Yet another option is Umbrella and Satellite Schools.
An Umbrella or Satellite School is a school or “umbrella” that provides help to homeschool families. Umbrella Schools can provide suggestions on curriculum, testing and record keeping services, and offer accredited diplomas. Parents are still in charge of educating their children in the home. It is not like having to go to a brick and mortar school every day. The Umbrella School only provides assistance when needed. Of course, there generally is a fee associated, depending on what services you take advantage of. To find a school like this contact either your local school district to see if they are aware of schools in your area, or again check with a local homeschool group for this information.
Have some ideas now, but still undecided? No problem! Read my next blog for more homeschool opportunities including Independent Study Programs, Eclectic Schooling, Unschooling, Deschooling, and more!