“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
I was relaxing tonight thinking about what difference one person’s light makes in this world. I see lots of flames lit in the church, but what happens out in the dark world? There are a lot of great evangelists and teachers out there that are reaching people, but what about your neighbor, or your coworkers? Who is there to bring light to them? Do you have a basket over your light as Jesus talks about in verse 15 of chapter 5 when you are in the world?
I’m not suggesting anyone wear a t-shirt that states, “Choose Jesus or choose Hell.” But there are ways we can be Christ-like examples to those around us. How is your talk around people? Do you curse a lot or gossip? Do you prayerfully consider how you can help others in need? Do you practice what you preach? When people look at you, do they see a Christian? If people can look at you and notice something different, my hope is that they too will desire that peace and joy that comes with having a relationship with our Lord, and turn their lives over to Him.
One of my favorite illustrations of being a light was done at our church during a Christmas service. We were all given candles at the door. At the appropriate time in the service, the pastor and his wife lit a candle. That little flame gave off enough light to see a little bit in the sanctuary. As the candle flame was passed on, the light became brighter and brighter until darkness was shunned. He continued with a story about some years prior. As the cars sped by on the interstate outside the sanctuary, one man in particular got a glimpse of the many candle flames in the church and was drawn to see what was going on. It was that night he gave his heart and life to Jesus.
We don’t always know how Jesus will use us as we shine Him in us. That’s not the most important thing anyway. Most important thing is that the lost and lonely see the light in their dark world and draw to The Light which is Jesus Christ.
Please visit a Families.com forum discussion: Have You Invited Someone to Church lately? “Hide it under a bushel, NO! Let It Shine!”
All Scripture reference is from the NKJV.