There is a reason there are so many jokes about in laws. In fact, there are TV series devoted to cracking on in-laws. I have laughed out loud more than once, when watching shows like “Everybody Loves Raymond.” Haven’t you?
The reason most of the jokes and skits are so funny is that they often have some truth to them. We tend to find humor in things with which we can relate. For the most part, such in laws are basically harmless, if occasionally annoying.
Unfortunately, there are cases where in-laws can damage and even destroy a marriage. This is something that both spouses must protect against, even if it means confronting their own family members. A spouse is not going to be nearly as motivated to work on a relationship, if his or her partner always takes the in-law’s side and does not stand up for the spouse.
It should never come down to a choice between the spouse and the family. Couples have to find ways to work through these kinds of problems. Open, honest, and sometimes tough communication is vital. It is important to realize that you and your mate’s family both love your mate a great deal. This sometimes turns into a competition for time, affection, and attention. These issues must be clearly addressed or resentment will build.
While you are expected to treat your in-laws with kindness and respect, it is a two way street. If you feel that you are not receiving the respect you deserve, discuss it with your spouse and his family instead of allowing it to build to the breaking point.
It is also important to try to look for the good in your in-laws. Yes, they do have some good qualities! They must if they brought up your spouse to be the wonderful person you fell in love with. Remember that and try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship with them.
*Stop back tomorrow for “Those Wonderful In-laws.”