I read an article recently that stuck me hard. It brought on a realization that I probably should have hit many years earlier but never did.
The article was about couples and romance.
Most of us that have been married for a while know that the idea of the knight riding up on the horse is not going to happen. The fairy tale couple and the forever happy ending are not reality. However, that does not mean that there cannot be some romance in your marriage.
Until now I had thought about romance as the occasional bouquet of flowers or the surprise candlelit dinner or creating a big “to-do” over one another. Those are great. Romance to me was not thought of as being a standard everyday way of life. It has just been the spontaneous things.
However after reading this article I came to realize that true romance that strengthens a marriage or a relationship is small and consistent rather than big and rare.
You should not have to wait to the point of breaking before your husband rushes home with two dozen roses. If given in little doses all along the way, your marriage will never get to point where it needs the big stuff.
The article also brought a great point to my attention. By these acts of romance, who are you thinking of? If you send your loved on a huge arrangement of flowers to the office at work, are you doing it in thoughts of your love or to make yourself look good? True romance does not have to be public or even know to the world.
The article suggested giving your mate one flower everyday for twelve days rather than a dozen on one occasion.
This made a lot of sense to me. It is the little thoughtful things that we do for each other that shows our love.