I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it: even the best marriages still have room for improvement. So, whether your marriage is good, bad, or indifferent, these three resolutions, which anyone can keep, will make your relationship stronger.
Drop Everything
At least once in a while, it is important to put everything else on hold for your spouse. That’s right, drop everything, and show your mate how important he or she is to you. Instead of saying, “Hang on for a minute,” or, “I’ll do it later,” just stop what you’re doing and go see what your spouse wants or do what he or she asks without hesitation. It’s not possible to do this all the time, but we can all do it more frequently and it’s a painless way to make our spouses feel valued.
Remember that Etiquette Counts
We’ve talked about this one before too, but it’s imperative, and there’s no better time to put it into practice than now. Make using your manners with your spouse a resolution. Sure, it’s good to feel casual and relaxed around your spouse, but not to the point where even the most common courtesies are disregarded. For more on this subject please see, “How to Stay Friends with Your Spouse.”
Love as You Want to be Loved
Don’t hold back or “punish” because you feel your needs aren’t being met; learn to communicate more effectively. You can also show your spouse how you need to be loved, by treating him or her as you want to be treated as discussed in “Marriage and the Golden Rule.”
*Of course, each of these steps does take effort, but a good marriage will always be a work in progress. There are three issues cited here but they really come down to two things: communication and consideration.