Yep, I’m still in the Ps. Here is one positive P, one neutral depending on how you react, and one you definitely don’t want to have in your marriage.
Every single person responds to genuine praise. It not only makes a person feel good, it makes them more inclined to do more things that will earn them further praise. Just as good parents praise their children when they do something right, or pleasing and respond appropriately, so we need to praise our spouse.
Praise them as often as you can for the thoughtful things they do, for helping out around the house, for going to work and bringing home money and providing for their family or praise them for making home a happy or safe place or whatever it might be. Praise them for taking control when problems arise or for just being themselves. You will each know your own situation and know which things apply to your spouse and your marriage.
Don’t just take their good humor or kindness or love for granted, let them know how much you appreciate them and their positive attributes. Each of us should be able to find at least one and probably several more things to praise our spouse for each day.
The one thing that is sure is we will never get though any marriage without some kinds of problems. It’s how you deal with them that matters. Problems in your marriage can bring out the worst or the best in people. The other things that is true is that problems need to be dealt with not just kept to yourself and not just swept under the carpet as though they don’t exist. They need to be brought out into the open and dealt withy in an appropriate manner.
I love the sound of this word. It is so descriptive but it’s something you don’t want in your marriage. Being pernickety means, being overly fussy and, in a sense, nit picking. These two qualities will rapidly send any marriage on a downward spiral. Constant nitpicking about trivial things and fussiness can drive a person to distraction. What happens when people get exposed to this all the time is they simple switch off and refuses to listen at all.
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