Yesterday we looked at some Ms to incorporate into marriage. Today I’ve got three Ms you definitely don’t want in your marriage
We’ve all seen then the wives who manipulate their husbands with tears and emotional blackmail and acts designed to get what they want. We see it in those who manipulate their spouse into doing what they want when they want it, using sex or whatever other means at their disposal to get their own way.
Manipulative people often use tactics to make the other person feel guilty, if they don’t comply. They use silent treatment or lies or confrontational statements or the no win question. You know the one I mean, where no matter how you answer it is going to be wrong.
This is not love. Being manipulative is not showing love to your spouse. It is not considering the needs of your spouse.
We’ve all heard the old adage ‘sticks and stones can beak my bones but words can never hurt me.’ Wrong. They can and do hurt. The malicious person who tells lies, who makes nasty or sarcastic comments about their spouse, who belittles them in front of others, is not being loving. Malicious words are nothing less than verbal abuse and verbal abuse can be as harmful as physical abuse. Verbal abuse attacks the emotional welfare of another person which will also ultimately affect their physical health.
Instead of malicious and verbally abusive words we should be praising and encouraging and supporting our spouse.
This one is for all us women in particular. Once before, I dealt with mothering or smothering your spouse. This is not what I am talking about here. What I mean is don’t be so much a mother to your children that you forget to be first and foremost a wife. Yes you love your children and want to do your best for them, but you should not become so focused on mothering duties that you neglect your husband. Your spouse should be your prime focus. Children will grow up and leave home. Your spouse is the one you have committed to for life.
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