Swimming in Noodles by Jim Cosgrove was just released on the 5th of this month. The CD contains 14 tracks of kid tunes that will appeal to even your music snob friends. The lyrics are hysterical and the music is solid. Kid music often contains subpar music but not this CD. The music touches on a variety of musical genres for you and your children to enjoy. I have owned quite few children’s CDs in my time and most only appealed to the children. This CD is one that you will be happy to pop in during long car rides. From tracks like Cool Daddy to Spaghetti and Goofballs to Be My Friend, this CD will appeal to your whole family.
Wake Up Clarinet by Oran Etkin is cause to wake up and listen. I was surprised to hear a Jazz CD made for small children. As someone who believes we need to educate children in music, this really caught my attention. I will be honest and say I do not like Jazz. My husband is a huge Jazz fan so he was happy to play this for the kids. In the end, Wake Up Clarinet got my vote. More importantly it appealed to the target audience which is the kids. The CD is masterfully done with the purpose of involving children in the music. This makes this CD ranked at the top for music appreciation and education. Children are introduced to a variety of musical concepts and instruments. Due to the repetition and careful attention to detail this CD takes in teaching the language of music the main appeal is for younger children. My two older children found it to be a bit too slow and repetitive while my two younger children ages 2 and 5 learned quite a bit and loved to listen to it.
Use Your Words is one of the most creative ways I have seen to not only get in more fun music time but to teach children important concepts. Children are faced with situations which embarrass them, make them laugh, frustrate them or even give them allergic reactions. Use Your Words, covers the bases in a fun and upbeat way that speaks to the kids. It will make them laugh while they are learning and relating to the social issues presented on the CD. These songs take a negative situation and show kids they are not alone in a way that inspires self esteem and understanding. These are songs you will be happy to sing to and with your children. Besides, it will lighten a negative situation when you and your child sing a line from “I Meant to Do That” when embarrassment occurs.
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