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Three Thieves of Joy

God wants His children to have joy and peace in their lives. Nehemiah 8:10 says, “…for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” In God we find an inner strength and peace that surpasses anything we could ever find elsewhere. The joy that the world gives is fleshly, superficial and fleeting at best. Only the joy that comes from God can sustain and inspire the believer to be more and do more for God. It is this same joy which flows from the heart that shows those around you that you have something they need: A relationship with Jesus Christ.

I wish I could say that joy in a believer’s life is assured. However, the reality is that often we allow things to come into our lives that steal the joy which God intends for us to have. There are three primary thieves of joy:

1. Circumstances– How often I have allowed the joy of the LORD to be squelched in my life because of my circumstances! Perhaps it is a financial strain or loss. Maybe it is a broken appliance or a bad situation at work. Whatever the case, circumstances in our lives should not be allowed to rob us of the joy God gives to us as Christians.

2. People– We all know what it’s like to be disappointed in someone. Perhaps someone lied to you or about you. Maybe you have a wayward family member who has rejected Christ. If we look to people to supply our source of joy, we will be disappointed. Jesus is the only perfect Person who ever lived and He is the only One in whom we can find joy. Do not look to others to provide peace and joy in your life. Furthermore, do not let the failures of others rob you of the joy God wants you to have.

3. Worry– “Will I have enough money?” “Will my grandma be healed of cancer?” “Will my children turn out okay?” “Will I know what to do when…” The list could go on and on. Questions like these, if allowed to dominate your thinking, will remove the joy of the LORD from your life. Trust God with your circumstances. Has He ever failed you before? God is always faithful, even when we don’t understand the means by which He is carrying out His purpose in our lives.

As Christians, we have the most important, vital commodity in all the world: Eternal salvation. What does it take for you to lose sight of that and focus on the circumstances, people or worry that discourages you?

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2

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