School is starting soon and what better way to celebrate or get your kids excited about the start of the new school year than to throw a party. Here are some ideas of how you can celebrate.
Make simple construction paper or cardstock invitations and let your kids help. Choose one or a variety of the following school related ideas:
Bookmark – Cut a piece of cardstock into a rectangle about 2 inches by 6 inches. Punch a hole in the top and tie a few pieces of yarn through the hole. Write “It’s a Party!” on the front and the party information on the back of the bookmark.
Crayon – Fold a piece of 4×6 construction paper in half lengthwise. Cut one end into a point for your crayon. Write “It’s a Party!” on the front and the party information inside the card.
Chalkboard – Fold a brown piece of paper in half like a card. Then cut out a green rectangle about ½ inch smaller all around and glue it on the front. Then write in chalk if you have it, or a white crayon “It’s a party!” Inside the card include all of the party information.
Decorate with primary colors. Use red, blue, and yellow streamers and balloons. Try making an alphabet banner – tape pieces of green construction paper together and write the letters of the alphabet in white crayon.
Games/ Activities
Play some games that have a learning theme like: trivia, memory, bingo, or boggle. Give prizes like pencils or erasers to the winners.
Make a large chalkboard on one wall. Tape green butcher paper (available at teaching supply stores) on a wall and make a brown border out of butcher or construction paper. Then give children white crayons or chalk and let them draw on the board.
Play recess games like “Red Rover,” “Simon Says,” “Red light – Green light,” or “Freeze Tag”.
You could also have each child make a simple craft that they could give to their teacher. There are some cute gift ideas that kids can make for their new teacher in the kid’s craft blog.
Make a crayon cake and serve it to your guests. Or let each of your guests decorate a sugar cookie or brownie by frosting it then creating a letter or number using frosting, decorating gel, or small candies.
Remember this party is about saying “Hello” to the new school year and friends.