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Tie on an Apron and Become a Frugal Fashionista

A friend of mine recently moved into a new home and I was looking for a unique housewarming gift for her. As I was surfing the internet, I noticed that aprons are becoming popular again. Whenever someone mentioned the word apron in the past, I would cringe. “Are you kidding me?” “I would never be caught in an apron”. It brought up visions June Cleaver or stereotypical “barefoot and pregnant” housewife.

As I continued my search I was fascinated by the beautiful “hostess aprons” that were available. There were ones with cherries prints, some were made with vintage fabrics and others with hilarious sayings like, “what part of ‘its not ready yet’ don’t you understand”. That’s the one I wanted.

All cuteness aside, I wondered how much money I would save if I would just put on an apron. I am a notorious klutz in the kitchen. I am constantly dropping spoons on my pants and dripping sauces down my shirts when I am taste-testing my meals. I would bet that I end up throwing out at least one perfectly good shirt or pair of pants each month due to spaghetti stains, grease splatters or a mystery spill. Not only would I save in terms of replacing clothing, but I would also save on laundry detergent and stain sprays.

Do you wear an apron? What about your kids? Aprons are obviously great for cooking but they also work well for crafting, cleaning and gardening.

Even though some of the newest apron styles are absolutely darling, you can also make your own. What about creating an apron out of an old dress? What about recycling one of your husband’s t-shirts and using it as an apron? How about turning bed sheets into some aprons for you and your children? You could create an apron out of just about any fabric with minimal to no sewing skills. Thankfully it looks like aprons are hip again and saving money is ALWAYS in style!

Related Reading:
Cutting the Apron Strings
New Uses for Old Jeans
Make Dad a Barbecue Apron