In this day and age it seems like everyone has a cell phone, children and teenagers alike. I recently was student teaching in a sixth grade class at a local elementary school. Nearly all of the children had cell phones, and most of them were much nicer than mine. Children as young as kindergarten are feeling pressure to get a cell phone and cell phone companies are responding to their plight. They even have cell phones designed for toddlers now in case of an emergency. Cell phone companies such as Firefly Mobile have cell phones designed specifically for children’s needs with parental controls built in to the cell phone.
As a single parent I have often thought about how much easier things would be if my son had a cell phone. It would be nice to be able to check in on him and make sure he was ok. If nothing else it would give me the peace of mind that he could get a hold of me at the push of a button if something was wrong. Is that peace of mind enough for me to get him a cell phone right now? Probably not, but it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be more convenient.
There are many reasons to get a cell phone, but make sure that you are not just caving in to peer pressure because all of your children’s friends have one. There is no “right” age to get your child a phone. Make sure you weigh the pros and cons for your situation and see what is right for you and your child. If you do feel that they are mature enough to handle that kind of responsibility, be sure to talk to them about your expectations. Is the cell phone for emergencies only or will they be allowed to talk to their friends on it? These are all important things to think about as you are moving forward with this decision. If at all possible, discuss the situation with your ex so that you are on the same page and are both clear about the expectations when it comes to the cell phone. It is a tough decision and is individual to every situation. Make sure you think it through so that you can make the best decision for you and your child whatever it may be.