I have a confession. I like to have my down time everyday to do absolutely nothing. If it is only for 15 minutes, I still feel happy. As a Mom to three kids, one of which is a 3 month old, my time is precious. It seems that every waking moment is spent holding a baby, changing a baby, or taking care of someone or something. There is not a lot of “free” time. But, I will go to great lengths to give myself one guilty pleasure everyday.
I like to eat my lunch by myself in peace.
Yep. I’m not one of those Moms that is always eating standing up grabbing whatever food I can and just hoping for the best. No, I like to take my time, and eat lunch in an enjoyable way. Sometimes that means that I wait to eat until 2 pm. Or sometimes I make my lunch when I have a moment where both kids are happy and I throw it in the fridge to enjoy it later.
I think it’s important, especially when you have a baby, that you allow yourself some time alone doing something you want to do (or nothing) every single day. Because, when my husband comes home, sure I can hand the baby off to someone else, or have a helping hand, but I don’t get time to myself. Alone time.
You may think it’s impossible when you have a baby, but I’ve been able to make it happen. Now that he is 3 months old, I’m starting to see little snippits in my day where I can take a moment to lay down on the couch and close my eyes for ten minutes, or waste 15 minutes on facebook. You could read a book, or do any number of things for yourself. In my opinion, having this time everyday is vital. Maybe you meditate, or sit down and just think so you don’t have to do it at 4 am (like I did last night).
Give yourself some selfish time, some down time, or some make yourself happy time. Whatever you want to call it, it’s important for your Mommy sanity.
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