No, I’m not talking about that decadent cheesecake you’ve been eyeing at the neighborhood bakery.
Try something that’s actually good for you. It’s like this, no one likes to change. No one likes to change how they eat even less. So let’s just try one thing today. I suggest looking for a new source of whole grains, fruits, or vegetables.
First, decide whether you are going to eat out tonight or eat at home. Hey, if I can talk the hubby into a night out by saying the restaurant down the street is supposed to have very good squash souffle, or whatever healthy dish, it’s worth a shot.
Eating out is actually a good way to get your mind and taste buds to open up to something new. Usually when a meal makes it onto a reputable restaurant’s menu it’s there because it’s good. Ask around, call a few places you like to eat at and ask “What is your most nutritious, or unusual dish”? Or any other pointed question like: “Do you serve anything with artichoke hearts (asparagus, spinach, couscous, or whatever)”?
If you’re eating at home you’ll need a good recipe. Decide what your new food will be, and then look for a way to prepare it. Choose the recipe from a source you trust to give results you like not just one that “looks healthy”. You want to develop a taste you can enjoy, not a ritual that is disgusting but helps you feel like you’re eating healthily.
It also helps to make sure there is a standard favorite paired with your adventure in taste. Include a comfort food, or something that pampers you just a little, on the menu.
I glanced through some recent studies on the latest good-for-you food trends. Here’s a list of suggestions I pulled together.
Brown rice
Dark chocolate
Flax seed
Green tea
Star fruit
Whole grain bread or pasta
Wild salmon
If you already eat all of these, I bow in your honor. I’m just offering a few suggestions. There are plenty of exotic choices out there so no matter where your choice finds you, just try something new- that’s good for you!
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