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Tip of the Day- Wear your seat belt

They’re uncomfortable, they wrinkle your blouse, they’re one more thing to remember, and they can save your life. Wear your seat belt today. Every time you get in the car, buckle that belt.

I don’t care if you’re only going to the end of your driveway to get the mail. Whatever pulls you to get into a car today, make sure your seat belt is securely fastened before the car leaves park. Click your own and double check to make sure everyone else is secured as well.

No one particularly likes wearing a seat belt and everyone has heard the horror stories that a seat belt might have cost someone their life. But on the whole they save far more lives than the other way around.

Most states now have laws regarding the use of seat belts. Some say everyone in the car, some everyone in front, some say if you’re over 18 you can take your own life into your hands and choose. Always choose safety.

I’m short. It’s just a fact of life. That means every time I put on a seat belt I run the risk of a very uncomfortable choking sensation. Uncomfortable or not, a seat belt is not an option. Manufacturers do make “adjustment clips” that can help with this problem. This might be something to look into, but avoid the temptation to go without or place the shoulder portion of your belt beneath your arm.

Just as an infant car seat must be used properly to be effective, the seat belt in your car really was designed with safety in mind.
Consider the following information from The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Of the 31,910 people killed in car crashes in 2001, 60% were not wearing a safety belt.

Safety belts saved 13,274 lives in 2001.

If seat belts had been in use, the NHTSA estimates 7,334 more lives could have been saved that year.

In 2001, 73% of the people who were wearing seat belts during in a fatal crash survived; of those who were not restrained, only 44% survived.

So repeat after me and be safe today.

Close door, buckle seat belt, start car.

Close door, buckle seat belt, start car.

Close door, buckle seat belt, start car.

Related Articles:

Tips for Buying a Car Seat

“Click It or Ticket”

Top 15 Child Safety Seat Mistakes