Although this question may sound elementary, for the new mother or father, it is an important and viable question to ask. After all, you just brought home a brand new human, which takes time to learn. As a new parent, you want to make sure you keep your baby comfortable and clean. Because of this, many new parents ask this very question, which is actually a good one.
Most importantly, regardless of the number of times your baby has a bowel movement, you want to get all your diapering supplies within reach so the baby is never left unattended. Unfortunately, even a small newborn can wiggle just enough to roll off a diaper-changing table so you want to be ready. If possible, purchase a changing table or dresser where everything you need, diapers, powder, diaper rash cream, and washcloths are stored.
After bathing your baby, or if the diaper has been messed, start by placing your baby on his/her back, carefully removing the soiled diaper. With a clean, warm washcloth, clean the genital area, taking care not to wash from the back to front. Instead, you want to wash your baby’s personal area from front to back. If you have a little boy, be prepared. Many times, the exposed air will stimulate him enough to start a little geyser. Therefore, when you first remove his diaper, hold it over his privates for a minute until he is done.
Even if your baby does not have diaper rash, you want to take some precautionary steps to ensure he or she does not develop it. The most important thing is to keep your baby in a dry, clean diaper. In other words, do not allow the baby to remain in a wet or soiled diaper too long. Then, after removing the diaper and cleaning the genital area, use a diaper rash cream containing zinc oxide, which produces a protection barrier against moisture, thus eliminating painful diaper rash.
Then for mothers that use cloth diapers, these should always be washed using mild soap formulated for sensitive skin, which would be both fragrance and dye free. Then, after washing, the best option is to let the diapers air dry. In addition, cloth diapers need to be stored to keep them sanitized so your baby does not get diaper rash. You can purchase a pail and then choose from the wet or dry option. For the wet method, one pail would be filled with water and baking soda. In addition to helping with stains, the baking soda also helps to sterilize the cloth diapers. While this method creates some challenges of odor and even drowning risk, many people still use it.
The other possibility is using a dry pail. In this case, the baby’s dirty diapers would be placed in the pail and then covered. To control odor, use regular baking soda, sprinkled on the bottom before adding the diapers and then on top after diapers are added. Come time to wash, soiled diapers would be rinsed quickly in the toilet and then run through hot water in the washing machine.