If you are thinking about changing careers or maybe starting a new one a bit later in life than most, don’t despair. You can compete with anyone of any age if you have the right skills and attitude. Job-hunting, like so many things in life, requires some strategy. Here are a few thoughts on the subject.
Everyone must compete with a more youthful everything and everyone as the clock ticks away on all of us, robbing our time and efforts on earth. Job-hunting is a very competitive endeavor, no matter how old you are. Keep yourself mentally prepared to compete with those who may have more energy but not necessarily more skills and experience. Consider what Ronald Reagan said when asked about his campaign rival’s youth. He said, “I am not going to hold his age and lack of experience against him.” (Or something like that). Younger candidates may have more energy and technological savvy, bit you have a commodity they don’t: years of experience and know-how.
You have to look physically fit because employers will right away assume an older candidate has more health problems than a younger one. While this is may be true in many instances, it ain’t necessarily so, as the old Gershwin tune says. Looking and feeling your best cannot help but work in your favor. Make sure too, that you are well rested before an interview. You want to come across as a winner, albeit an older one.
Learn to emphasize your personal strengths during an interview. You will always want to convey the impression that your work experience is extensive and that you take great pride in your accomplishments.
Everyone wants a winner at any age. You can be one too.
Go for it, but don’t trip over that brass ring.
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