Here are some tips to help you deal with renovations and keep your marriage intact.
Understand sometimes men and women look at things differently. More often he is not going to worry about living with the mess. He’s not going to care about trying to cook dinner in a kitchen that isn’t functional or how to bathe kids when the bathroom is not operational. If you can make arrangements with a relative or friend or neighbor to use their bathroom for a day or so it might be an easier option. If you do, be sure to be considerate of their needs.
Don’t be frightened to accept help. Accept a casserole or dinner that has been made by a friend for you and be grateful.
Don’t stress over the little things. Save your battles for the important issues. Does it really matter if one light switch is not exactly in the right place? It might matter though if one child has to go through another child’s bedroom to get in and out. Yes, I’ve seen that one. All it breeds is resentment, as the child feels their room is not their own but a thoroughfare.
Remember you are in this together. Don’t try and cope with all the hassles on your own.
Make time to get out of the house together. Getting away from the scene often restores perspective and equilibrium.
Don’t be in too much of a hurry to invite guests. The last thing you need while renovating is people coming to stay or visit. Some people may cope without any problems. The majority won’t. It is one more stress you don’t need.
Keep it to simple meals or take away. It won’t hurt for a little while.
Don’t over commit financially, as this will put too much strain on your marriage and in your expectations of the workman.
Try to maintain a pleasant but not overly familiar relationship with workmen. Don’t always be looking for faults but look for the good in people.
Above all, don’t leave your sense of humor behind. Try and see the funny side of things. Nothing is ever quite as bad if we can laugh about it.
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