If your clothes closet is bursting with clothes, shoes and accessories, then it is probably time to organize your closet. Asking yourself one simple question can make a closet cleanup easier than you might think.
When you first take a look at your closet, you may find some things that you obviously don’t want. Make these items, such as broken shoes or torn clothing your first task.
The rest of your closet may prove a little more difficult. Most people tend to hold on to things past their useful life. Clothing can carry associations and memories, and we sometimes wonder if something will come back into style (even if it does, it is usually in a different form anyway).
One great question to ask yourself is “How do I want to look?” Answering this question honestly can really help you organize your closet. Your appearance helps to tell the world who you are. Because of this, the clothes that you choose to wear or have in your closet give people a first impression of you, and it might not be the one that you want to present.
How do you want to look? Sporty, professional, creative, intelligent, fun loving? How does each item in your closet relate to how you want to look? Will it add to your image or send the wrong message? By ridding yourself of the baggage of items that don’t fit how you want to look, you can free yourself up for great things to come.
Once you have cleaned out your closet of unwanted items, it will be much easier to organize. There are two different ways to organize your clothing. You can hang things according to type, such as all of the dresses together, all of the pants together, etc. Or, you can order everything together by outfits, making it easy to just grab and go when you need to get dressed.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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