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Tips for Safe Outdoor Entertaining

One of the biggest considerations when hosting meals outdoors is sanitation. We know we have to wash our hands properly, handle food properly, and make sure all containers are fresh and clean. However, one of the most serious issues is food poisoning due to food not being kept at proper temperatures. It’s very easy to lose track of time and not realize how long food has been sitting out. In warm weather, food can spoil quickly.

It is important to either bring food inside and place it back into the refrigerator, or keep it on ice, making sure to replace ice as it melts. This is especially true of dishes that contain mayonnaise, meat, and dairy products.

While other foods will wilt, become soggy, or begin to taste stale if left out too long, many are not dangerous to eat. The above-mentioned items can and do make people sick.

Grill safety is of course also important. Keep everyone well away from the grill and take care with charcoal starter. Don’t use too much and don’t leave it sitting in direct sunlight. The “clicker” or matches should also be stored in a cool place.

Spilled ice should be cleaned up quickly to avoid slips and falls. Other spills should be dealt with quickly as well. Often, a quick spritz with the garden hose will do the trick, although oily items require a bit more effort.

Make sure all lawn chairs, picnic tables, or other patio furniture are clean and in good repair. Sand rough spots on wooden furniture before company arrives. Ensure that webbing on seating elements is secure.

Outdoor meals and parties can be great fun and they are of course even more enjoyable without mishaps, and all it takes is a few simple steps to help prevent problems.

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