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Tips for Shopping with a Baby

Shopping with a baby can be challenging. Babies do not like to wait for food, diaper changes, and comforting. So, you could be driving to your next destination or in the middle of trying on a pair of jeans when your baby starts to cry. The last thing you want is a bad shopping experience for your baby which only turns into frustration for you. Sweet babies do not care about shopping nor do they see the value in it. So we need to be patient, loving and wise, before venturing out on a shopping trip with baby in tow.

Tips for Shopping with a Baby

Leave baby at home: No, that is not a joke. I would often wait until my husband came home to go grocery shopping. It made things easier for my baby who had this hate for grocery stores. It also gave my husband time to spend with the baby.

Wear a sling: I found that wearing my baby was restful for her and made shopping easier and quieter for me. I would even wear a sling around the house during those fussy times and she would fall asleep and stay peaceful for a few hours.

Be prepared: Do not leave without a well stocked diaper bag. You will want easy access to bottles, food, snacks, extra clothing, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, toys, etc. I know diaper bags can get heavy and cumbersome but I would rather lug a heavy diaper bag and a happy baby than a little purse and a screaming baby.

Be aware of nap and eating times: It is easy to get caught up and forget all about nap or feeding time until baby makes it well known we have just shopped to our limit. Shop early or after your baby’s afternoon nap. I did have a child who I would purposely shop during naptime because he would fall asleep in the car and then would sleep the whole time through the store. So, find what works for you. Normally a well fed and well rested baby makes a pleasant shopping companion.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.