I do not have a fancy camera. You won’t need one to take great pictures of your children. I take pictures all the time with my regular old Cannon point and shoot and always get complements on my photos. A good camera is an advantage. However a good eye with an okay camera beats a good camera with an okay eye; at least I think so.
Here are some great tips to take pictures you will be proud to frame:
1. Get on their level. No matter your subject, it is a wise idea to take few shots on the same level as the subject. Taking a picture from your tall perspective on a small child can distort the image. Rules are meant to be broken and sometimes you can use your perspective to your advantage. However, as a general rule get on the level of your subject to capture a great shot.
2. Background. We often snap pictures quickly to capture those cute moments. How many times have you noticed the mess on the floor, laundry basket to the side, or trees that look like they coming out of the child’s head, only after you took the picture? Plain backgrounds work best to showcase the child. Sometimes the background plays a role in the picture and in those cases you want to be sure there are no obstructions in the way.
3. The eyes do not always have it. Focusing on the eyes will help stabilize a picture and often ensures you get a good shot. Yet, do not feel limited to only taking pictures of your children as they look directly into the camera. Sometimes abstract shots of children walking away or looking down can be adorable and showcase personality. What about a nice picture of a child reading a book or examining nature? Think about capturing the spirit of the child and not just the smile.