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Tips for Trips to the Zoo

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Summer is the time for ice cream, beaches, and trips to the zoo. My three year old gets so excited about going to the zoo. She thinks it is one of the best ways to spend a summer afternoon. Just knowing we have planned a day will cause her to ask, “are we going to the zoo today.” everyday until the day arrives. It can be unnerving so I normally wait until the day before to spring it on her. She talks about seeing the polar bears, giraffes, and lions. She gets all of us excited to go. Then it happened. We went on a whim and unprepared.

We were all excited and headed to the zoo. Problem number one, the high was 99 degrees. Problem number two, I did not pack snacks and water since we went on a whim. Problem number three, no sunscreen. All these problems made for a miserable last 45 minutes to an hour at the zoo. We pretty much saw everything we could until we got miserable and the left. Yes, it was not the wisest idea but it sounded like fun to stop at the zoo since we were right by it. My little was grew tired and thirsty. She has tan skin so no sunscreen did not affect her but I know for many it would be a problem. My other daughter, had she come, would have burned to a crisp. All the excitement finally came down to tired little legs and an over priced drink. When I asked her what she enjoyed the most she said the ducks. Ducks! We could have gone to the park!

How do you avoid a tiring and expensive time at the zoo?

Plan ahead

Check the weather

Pack a stroller or wagon

Pack water, juice boxes, and snacks

Get a zoo map and plan the best route giving preference to the sites your child is excited about seeing. This way if she gets tired or the weather changes for the worse you already have seen the favorites and can head for the exit.