Have you ever considered using a mentor to help yourself improve your money situation? This can be an effective way to help you to change the way that you manage money. It gives you someone else that you are accountable to, and whom you can bounce your ideas off of. A good mentor will provide your encouragement, and sound advice.
When you are considering looking for someone to mentor you in your money management skills you need to make sure that their philosophy mirrors the one that you want to embrace. It does not make sense to choose a risk taker to be your mentor if you are very conservative in the way you want to manage your money. It also helps to make sure that your mentor has a handle on his or her finances.
If you are looking make drastic changes in the way you handle money you may want to set up accountability meetings on a monthly or weekly basis. If you are just looking for advice on your bigger decisions you can have less formal meetings and ask for advice as needed. You will need to find a system that both you and your spouse are comfortable with. You can ask a close friend, family member or the leader of your church to help you in these matters.
If you are ever approached to be a mentor to someone in regards to money, consider it an honor. It can be difficult to approach someone and explain to him the problems that you may be facing. If you feel that you can help, then you should agree to act as an advisor of sorts. It is important to realize that you can not change anyone, but only show him how to change himself. The person you are mentoring may not take all of your advice, but that does not lessen the importance of what you are giving to him.
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