Yesterday, I posted about how the state of my house was so uncomfortable for me that I felt completely overwhelmed with housework. Whenever that happens, I try to approach things in a way that makes it all a bit more manageable. If you have ever found yourself in the same situation, you may benefit from the following tips.
Figure out what bothers you the most and start with that. For me it tends to be a dirty kitchen and bathrooms, although some days I just can’t stand the toys on the floor.
Pick one room to start with. Don’t leave the room except to get cleaning supplies or a box to hold items that need to go elsewhere. Finish the room to acceptable standards (not spotless) before moving on to the next room. When the whole house or all of the problem areas have been touched, you can always double back.
Work from left to right around the room. As areas get cleared or cleaned, you’ll have a sense of accomplishment that may give you continued motivation.
Enlist the kids on small tasks, such as putting away the items that don’t belong in the room you are working in.
An exception to the one room at a time tip might be combining the same task in like rooms, such as cleaning all of the bathrooms at once while you still are wearing gloves, or vacuuming all of the downstairs at once, for two examples.
If you have more than one level in your home, start and complete one before you go on to the rooms in the next level.
Start tasks that can run while you are doing other things, such as a load of laundry or the dishwasher.
Set a timer to see how much you can accomplished in five, ten or 15 minutes for a fun challenge. See if you can beat your time or amount done on the next task.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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