Research and term papers are now being required from students as early as elementary school. Many middle school students take courses on how to create and type research papers.
Learning how to write a good research paper is a key tool to being successful in college. Most college courses, especially graduate courses, require students to write at least one research paper in which sources must be cited.
Writing a good paper must begin with preparation. Before you get started on your first research paper, examine the papers of others. Ask your teacher to see examples of work that he or she considers to be acceptable. Ask friends if they have graded papers or copies of papers that you could look at to get a better idea of how to create your own paper.
After looking over the work of others, it is time to begin working on your own paper. The best way to get started is with a plan. Create a plan or an outline of how you will create your paper. The most common steps are listed below.
1. Find your topic.
2. Begin to make notes about your topic. (index cards work great for notes)
3. Do any research needed about your topic.
4. Create an outline of your paper.
5. Create a rough draft of your paper.
6. Have someone proof your rough draft.
7. Rewrite your paper.
8. Have someone proof your revised copy.
9. Type and finalize your paper.
Be certain that you allow enough time to carry out the steps listed above. Begin working on your paper as soon as it is assigned. Do not put off determining your topic. This is one of the most critical steps to getting started on your research paper.
Look for more tips about writing research papers in future articles!