Buying groceries from the grocery discount rack or the food salvage store can really save your money. But unlike buying regular foods, you can sometimes run into a few surprises. Here are some tips for shopping from the grocery discount rack or the food salvage store, including what to do in certain situations.
Food items are broken or in crumbs
We got a great deal on taco shells from the grocery discount rack. As my husband predicted (although I had more hope), many of the shells were broken, rendering them useless for tacos. Well, when life gives you broken taco shells, make a layered taco salad, I always say. Okay, well, I don’t always say it, but I did once, in this case.
If you find yourself with some sort of item broken or in crumbs, think of a new way to use it. Broken cookies can be ice cream toppings or added to butter to form a cookie crust for a pie. Cereal crumbs can top casseroles. Get creative!
Missing labels
If you find yourself with canned goods that have missing labels, well this can be a bit of an adventure, can’t it? Usually, you will at least know if an item is a vegetable, fruit or a soup, by the size of the can or the sign at the salvage store, but this isn’t always the case. And not knowing what kind of fruit or vegetable you have can make meal planning a little difficult.
If you have blank cans, plan on making a casserole that night for your meal. Usually, you can combine different types of vegetables, throw in a can of cream soup and top it with a biscuit or bread crumb (or cereal) crust. Various fruits can be combined for a fruit salad for desert.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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