Whether you like to use Facebook or not or feel you lack the time to build a fan page your potential clients are on Facebook right now conversing with your competitor. Businesses can benefit by gaining new customers and exposure by having a Facebook fan page. If you do not have a page or if you are trying to build your page then keep reading for some tips on how to create a successful page. First we will start with the basics of how to create your page.
Profile or Fan Page
I have seen multiple small business owners use profiles instead of fan pages. That is a mistake. A customer does not want to “friend “you on Facebook. Facebook friends have access to each other’s pictures, updates, and comments. Customers want access to you and want to choose what you know about them. If you want to promote your business through Facebook then develop a fan page.
Manage Permissions
This section will allow you to unplublish your page so only administrators can view it and work on it. So, if you want to work on your page before the unveiling make sure it is set on “unpublish”. You can set it to publish when the time is right. You can also set it back to “unpublish” if you ever need to again.
Manage permissions will also allow you to set an age restriction if that applies to your company.
Here you can set your page to only show posts from the page and not from the public. This setting is helpful if you have a very active wall and want to be sure users get the proper information or time sensitive information.
Additionally, you can set your landing page. The landing page is the first impression your fan page will give to potential fans. I recommend creating a welcome page and setting it as your landing page. The default setting is your wall.
If you are concerned with spam or inappropriate language then fill in the moderation blocklist for certain words or phrases and set your profanity blocklist to “strong”. If you fill in words for your moderation page and someone uses the words in a comment you will have the option of allowing the comment to be posted to your wall.
Finally, this is the section you use to delete your page if that ever becomes necessary.
Basic Information
Now you can select a category for your page ad then select a more specific subcategory. If you have not looked at your category to know there are subcategories then do so right away as the default is alphabetical. So your fan page for a business that sells hair barrettes will be listed under the subcategory of appliances. You will have to edit your page and go to “basic information” to select the proper category and subcategory. In addition, you can select a community page to be associated with your fan page. It will be the theme your page is about and it will put a link under your page title.
We will continue to talk about Basic Information and the rest of the page tomorrow, so tune in!
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