Do you want your boss’ job? Do you have dreams of moving up and being an executive or manager in your current company? You can do some things now, before the opportunity arises, to ensure your chances of getting a promotion.
1. First, learn all you can about the company and business structure. Go beyond what you currently do and even what your boss does. Get to know how the company functions from all angles.
2. Volunteer to take on special projects or task forces. Many companies look for temporary leadership on a situational basis. This can be a great way to show your talents and expose you to new opportunities in the company. If your organization doesn’t often look for volunteers, offer up an idea to start a project or ask to join a team. This will also show initiative.
3. Talk to others in the company. Gather information about what they do and get to know them on a friendly basis. Also remember to be political and respectful with everyone… you never know who might be your next supervisor.
4. Look at your organization’s typical career ladder. What sort of things have others done to help them be promoted? What types of people are already in executive positions? What are their backgrounds and how did they get their jobs?
5. If you have a healthy relationship with your boss, ask him or her for help and advice. If your relationship is not so hot, identify another possible mentor in the organization.
6. Dress and act the part. Behave as if you are already in the job you hope to get, at least from your attire and attitude. You don’t want to come across conceited, but confident is good.
Overall, work hard and don’t give up. Set a time frame for how long you want to wait before you get the promotion, and be realistic. If you do all of these tips and are still constantly being passed over from promotion, it might be time to start looking elsewhere.
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