Congratulations! You have decided to de-clutter your wardrobe of clothing. No more overstuffed closets, stuffed drawers or clothes hanging out everywhere. There are a few different ways that you can de-clutter your wardrobe. I’ve already discussed two of them in the first part of this series. Now, in the second part of this series, I’ll share with you some of the 12 questions that you can ask yourself about each item of clothing to see if it is worthy of staying in your life. This method is wonderful to use when you want to de-clutter your wardrobe all at once or in increments.
First, start with one dresser drawer or a single section of your closet. Pick about 10-15 items to start with, and then if you are feeling motivated, start on the next 10-15 items. Take each piece out an ask yourself the following 12 questions. It should be pretty obvious if the piece is something that you should keep or pass on to another life somewhere else.
Is it the correct size for you right now? Don’t save clothing for a size you may be someday. If you do gain or lose weight, treat yourself to something new and in style.
Is this flattering for my body type? Does it make your hips look larger or your waist disappear.
Is the item comfortable to wear? I used to have an entire shelf of turtleneck sweaters that I collected (mostly as gifts) through the years. I hate turtlenecks and won’t wear them because I find them uncomfortable. If the item looks good but makes you miserable wearing it, send it on its way. You won’t make a good impression if you are constantly pulling at your clothes because they don’t feel good to wear.
Is the piece a classic or in the current style? Don’t date yourself. Everyone will know if something you are wearing is outdated. Even if something comes back in style, it usually comes back in a slightly different form, anyway.
Next up: Part 3 of the de-cluttering tips.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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Tips to Help You De-Clutter Your Wardrobe (1)
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