As a teacher, I want all of my students to be successful readers. As a parent, I want the same for my children. But, what happens when this isn’t the case and your child isn’t reading at the level you think they should be? Here are some proven tips that will help your child become a more successful (and happy) reader:
Build a home library that is full of different types of books. Even if you have an older reader, add some picture books. These types of books are great and can even be educational. Even older readers like to read them for fun. The same holds true for younger readers. Even if you have young children, start building your library of chapter books. These books can be read to you child with great success. Remember, your child’s comprehension level far exceeds their reading level. Just because they can’t read chapter books doesn’t mean they can’t understand them.
Let your child read magazines, comic books, or anything else that they can get their hands on. Just because your child isn’t reading something deemed educational doesn’t mean they aren’t reading. Reading is reading and any type of it helps strengthen their literacy skills.
Take frequent trips to your local library. I remember when my kids were very young. Even though we had plenty of books at home, my kids all loved going to our local library. Most libraries offer story time. This is a great way for your child to become interested in reading. Nothing is more inspiring for young readers that a room full of books.
If you want your children to become better readers, let them see you read. As parents, we do this all the time. We model the behavior we want our kids to follow. The same holds true with reading. If we want our kids to read, we need to read. Snuggle up on the couch with a good book and invite your child to do the same. This is quality time at it’s finest!
A final tip that works wonders is to sneak reading in when your kids least expect it. For example, while shopping at the grocery store, ask your child to read a label to you. Tell them you need their help. Tell them you don’t have your glasses on and can’t see the label. They will be glad to help.
Happy reading!
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