As we have been told numerous times obesity is out of control in the United States. With super sizing food to stressful days we almost cannot win and the pounds pile on. Or can we win? Are there strategies we can take to help us stay in control of our weight? Dr. Janell Diets the author of Motivation to Sensation, wants people to get healthy and have fun this summer without putting on the pounds.
Here are some simple strategies from Dr. Dietz to help you stay focused on your weight loss goals this summer:
Keep your home as temptation free as possible. Avoid buying sweets and unhealthy food that you have trouble resisting.
Avoid going hungry to dinner parties, the grocery store or other places where there will be a lot of tempting high-calorie foods. Have a healthy snack beforehand.
Avoid or limit alcohol when socializing. People who drink 12 ounces of alcohol before eating ate more than those who drank water, juice or other beverages. They also ate more quickly.
Stop eating in front of the TV. It’s proven that if you reduce exposure to events that cause you to eat, you will naturally eat less. Make a household rule that eating is only allowed at the kitchen or dining room table.
Learn the proper portion sizes for various foods. For example: one serving of bread equals one slice of bread; however, a bagel, bun or muffin can be equal to two or more bread servings. A serving of meat should only be the size of a deck of cards.
Dietz says that eating is one of the things you can control. We often feel we cannot help ourselves and eat a bag of chips or a dozen Oreo cookies. That is simply not true. We have control over what we eat and when we eat. Eating is a choice and you can choose to eat well and live well or not. Please make the right choice and have a safe and healthy summer.