Toddlers are always busy exploring the world around them. They are learning new things every day. Not only do toddlers forget what we tell them about safety, they also like the idea of exploring something that they were told not to explore.
It doesn’t take long for a toddler to get hurt. In the time it takes for you to wash your hands, your toddler could drown in the bathtub or pull a hot pot off of the stove onto themselves. Danger is everywhere when you have a toddler in your home.
Childproofing your home isn’t enough to avoid accidents, though it does help to give you peace of mind knowing you’ve eliminated some potential hazards.
Let’s look at some of the ways you can childproof your home and keep your toddler safe:
*Keep all chemicals out of a toddler’s reach. Cleaning solutions and other chemicals are too dangerous to keep low, even in a locked cabinet. A childproof lock CAN break. Also, you can forget to lock it.
*Place safety latches on all doors, cabinets and windows.
*Keep sharp objects in locked drawers or cabinets. Having knives out on a countertop is dangerous because toddlers can climb up to reach them. Be mindful of where you store scissors, knives, clippers or anything with sharp, pointed edges.
*Keep glass containers in high places. Use the top shelves of cabinets for glass items and put plastic containers on the lower shelves.
*Keep electrical cords out of your toddler’s reach. Don’t leave cords in open areas, as they can be pulled on by your child.
*Always dispose of bubble wrap, air packing materials, plastic bags and other items that pose a risk of suffocation to your child.
*Always stay with your child when he or she is in the kitchen or bathroom. A child can drown in as little as two inches of water. Sinks, buckets, the bathtub and the toilet are all potential dangers.
While we can’t foresee every accident that could happen to our children, we can take precautions and be mindful of their safety.
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