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Toddler’s First School Party

Going Bonkers is where my moms’ group has most of its active kids’ events. Jessie and I love Going Bonkers. Baby E is too little to appreciate it, but she won’t always be. One of the things I love about Going Bonkers is that upon entering the children and parents are stamped with the same number in fluorescent ink. The children are not leaving alone nor are they leaving with people they are not supposed to be leaving with.

My moms’ group had its annual Valentine’s Day party at Going Bonkers. I was so excited when I got the ticket presale invitation that I bought tickets for both myself and Jessie. Then I ended up with a conflict. Jessie came home with a paper from school that mentioned when the school was holding its Valentine’s Day parties in the classrooms. The parties were scheduled for the Friday before Valentine’s Day. I was confused about why the school wouldn’t have class parties on Valentine’s Day since that was also a school day.

I wanted to go with my moms’ group. We always have a lot of fun and I need the time to commune with other mommies. My mom told me what I wanted to hear and said I should go to Going Bonkers.

I posted to my Facebook newsfeed about the conflicting events. Hands down the consensus was that now that Jessie is in school, school is the priority. I didn’t want Jessie to miss her first school party so I sent her to school with enough Valentines for her whole class.

Jessie had a great day. She came home with so much loot. She had a box of Valentines and two other bags filled with candy and treats. I’m very happy that she went to school. Next year we’ll give better Valentines too.