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Toddler’s Low Voice

Jessie absolutely cracks me up. Her vocabulary is growing every day. She’s adding new spoken words along with new signs. I love talking with her. Her two newest are bless you and sorry. Anytime anyone sneezes, she’s right there to say, “Bless you.” I have been trying to teach Jessie to say she’s sorry when she does something wrong, and now she says it all the time. It’s really cute.

Jessie has two different Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) therapists who come to the house. One is for development and the other is for speech. She just finished a cycle of ECI group therapy classes with other children and started another, but was expelled because where I go, Baby E goes. Anyway, her therapists are very pleased with her progress and the words she says. For instance, when Jessie wants to sit on my lap she used to just look at me and rise up on her toes. Now she tells me, “I need up.” This really is progress because ECI wouldn’t give her what she wanted unless she would say it. The therapists knew she could either verbalize or sign her desires so there was no reason for her to not.

Whenever the phone rings, she’s convinced it’s Grandma. I can’t talk to anyone without her holding out her hands for the phone. She will carry on long conversations with Grandma and Grandpa, or Grammy and Poppa. She’ll even talk at length to the dead phone.

The funniest thing she’s doing right now, though, is she’ll say something and then she’ll repeat in a low voice while making a funny face. I don’t know when this started or who started it. I think Daddy did. It doesn’t matter what she’s just said, she’ll repeat it low. I love the way she figures things out for herself. Now if she’d only figure out using the potty.