Is it possible to have too much education when looking for a job? The answer is yes, although it will depend on a variety of factors.
In many careers, a bachelor’s degree is enough to get you started. In some, you may only need a few classes or an associate’s degree. For many professions, on-the-job experience is as or more important as an education. In these types of jobs, too much education can sometimes make you seem too expensive or over-qualified for an entry-level position.
However, some careers require a certain degree before they would even look at your application. While in school, the key is to research the real world before you make any hard decisions with your education plans.
This is particularly true with very advanced degrees like PhDs or multiple degrees. At some point, you do have to leave the safety of college and enter the job market. When is the best time to make this switch?
If you plan to work in academics, private practice or start a business, having a wealth of education and degrees can significantly help you succeed. However, in a corporate environment, the time you spent earning that degree may have been better spent with hands on training instead. No wants to be an underemployed PhD.
Given all of this, there are two main approaches. First, ask people in the field you hope to find a career in. What is their impression of the need for additional education? In addition, ask some human resource managers at your dream companies. How do they evaluate an applicant’s educational background?
Once you have some industry information, the next approach is to evaluate an education from your own perspective. If you want a PhD, but don’t need to have one, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get it. The main questions are whether you want it and whether you need it to be successful. Once you know those answers, you will know your next steps.
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