In my recent series on Charlotte Mason, I discussed terminology that is used within Charlotte Mason circles. Now that you know all of the terminology you might want to know how to go about teaching a child using the Charlotte Mason Method. While there is no such thing as a prepared Charlotte Mason based curriculum, there are several websites and books that can serve as a guide. The Simply Charlotte Mason website serves as a guide to teaching using this approach. It helps you locate books, organize your homeschool, and stay in touch with other Charlotte Mason Homeschoolers. This website serves as a free online curriculum that copies the model of Charlotte Mason private and correspondence schools. On the website, you will find booklists and schedules for Kindergarten through grade 11 (year 12 is still under construction). The website also has subject resources, links to exams, and articles that will guide you along the way. This website lists six levels of education for homeschoolers. Each level covers approximately two years. Each level has a scope and sequence that details what students should learn. (The last two levels are under construction).
“The Charlotte Mason Study Guide by Penny Gardner. This book make the Charlotte Mason approach understandable and easy to digest and follow. The book is essentially a study guide for the original six volune Charlotte Mason’s Original Home Education Series.
A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola. Is a collection Charlotte Mason articles, and chapters of her books that are integral in teaching with the Charlotte Mason Approach. This book also tells you what to do, how to do it, and why you are doing it. This makes it very valuable to homeschooling families.
For The Children’s Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay (Crossway Books) is a great introductory book for people exploring a Charlotte Mason education or homeschooling in general. It is filled with good solid parental advice as well as a guide to using the principles of Charlotte Mason.
A little Bit of Charlotte Mason
More Charlotte Mason: An atmosphere, a discipline, a life
Charlotte Mason: Reluctant Narrators
More on Charlotte Mason and Living Books
More on Charlotte Mason: The “Science of Relations”