Cleaning probably doesn’t rank very high on most people’s lists when it comes to an enjoyable activity. Although, I do know of some people who find it therapeutic. But for the majority of us, we would rather avoid it at all costs.
I’m one of those who can think of a million other things I would rather be doing. So I try to make cleaning as quick and easy as possible. Here are my top 5 cleaning tips.
1 – An economical, easy way to keep your drains unclogged is to pour some baking soda down your drains (kitchen and bathroom sinks, tub), followed with some vinegar. Flush the ingredients down with boiling tap water.
2 – A quick, easy way to dust (and save money) is to use a microfiber cloth or dusting mitt. This makes it easy to pick up and wipe off knickknacks, picture frames and the like. When the cloth or mitt gets really dirty, you can wash and reuse it.
3 – For a clean, shiny sink, fill it up with tap water and a half cup of bleach. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, then drain the water.
4 – Use a steam mop for keeping your floors clean. You don’t have to wait for the floor to dry, there are no chemicals to use and you can reuse the mop pad since it’s washable.
5 – If you have a dog that sheds and their hair constantly clogs up your vacuum cleaner, purchase a small shop vac and use that for picking up dog hair (they are usually more powerful than regular vacuums, too).
Most of these tips save you time, money and the unpleasant odor of chemicals. Cleaning really doesn’t have to take up your entire day and become something you dread.
What are some of your favorite cleaning tips?
Related Articles:
Clean Out Your Cleaning Supplies
My Favorite Household Product: Mr. Clean’s Magic Eraser
The Versatility of Microfiber Cloths
Photo by jessica mullen in Flickr