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Top Five Tips for Fresh, Clean Towels

You probably find yourself washing towels frequently, and if you have a large family, it might be every day. While washing towels is not too complicated, there are still some issues that need attention, as noted below. Towels and other linens can be a haven for bacteria and mildew.

1. Remove towels and other linens from the washing machine as soon as possible. Allowing laundry to sit for even short periods of time in warm or humid conditions can quickly lead to mildew. While you might not see or even smell it, mildew spores can grow rapidly.

2. If it has been several hours since the washer stopped, re-wash the load. Even if it doesn’t have a noticeable odor, mildew could be lurking. At the very least, run the rinse cycle again.

towels 3. When drying towels, use the highest setting on your dryer and make sure to dry towels thoroughly. Some people take them out when they are still a little damp, in order to conserve energy. If you do this, towels should be hung until completely dry, so moisture isn’t trapped where it can lead to mildew and other bacteria growth. Folding towels while even a little damp, will keep in moisture.

4. Bath towels, dishtowels, washcloths, and dishcloths, harbor lots of germs. Wash them in hot water at least occasionally or if they are heavily soiled. Add bleach where possible. If you have colored towels and can’t use bleach, add a bit of fabric safe disinfectant to each load.

5. You may not think of your washer as “dirty” since water and detergent are cycling through it. However, most laundry detergents are not antibacterial and water temperatures don’t tend to be high enough to kill all contaminations. Wash a load using disinfectant or bleach after every few loads to keep your washing machine more sanitary.

More tips and advice:

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